Liberty Conspiracy -9-14-12 Bill Clinton's Tricky Combination of the Declaration and Constitution, Plus, Malcolm on Free Markets and Opinion!

Liberty Conspiracy show

Summary: Welcome back! In this heaaah great show, we offer you some precise analysis of something truly reprehensible Bill Clinton said in his speech at the Democrat National Convention. We think that upon hearing it, you, too will see what a tricky weasel he is, and how disrespectful he has been to people who gave their lives for liberty. We're joined by Malcolm as well, and get to talk about the "Pizza Man" who picked up Barack Obama. Not that such an act merits any comment. What we're interested in is what happened to the man's business after the event, and hoe he doesn't seem to comprehend that people might not want to be FORCED to buy things or sell things based on the arbitrary whim of politicians or the people like him who support those politicians. That and cool music, mostly instrumentals in this one... We incluse music from the Modern Lovers "Roadrunner", The Prodigy, "Climbatize", Concussion Ensemble "Bulldozer", Paul Weller, Blue Man Group, Danko Jones, and end it all with Kate Nash 'Foundations'... (see the British quotation marks there?!) Be Seeing You!