MacBites - Episode 0058

MacBites show

Summary: We follow our intrepid heroes as they journey across the North West in search of new Apple treasures. ChatBites - Our iPhone 4S launch day reports live from Liverpool - Unboxing gadgets - Mobile Me and iCloud - Multiple Apple accounts - 3's special deal - Elaine's handbag contents - Battery life - Fun with Siri Focus - iOS 5 - Elaine's iOS5 installation disaster - DFU Mode - Reminders - Elaine's iBook sample issue - Mirroring - Selectively hiding past iTunes and Mac App Store purchases - Google to discontinue Google Buzz and Code Search Feedback and Comments - Thank you all for your kind words about the short tribute to Steve Jobs in Episode 56 - Thanks to MacJim for his concern for Elaine's health - StrategyOracle is now all caught up with MacBites episodes