ODESHI 004 - Tackling the 90% graduate unemployment problem via internships with Adekunbi Adeoye

The Bulletproof Entrepreneur™ show

Summary: Adekunbi starts her entrepreneurial journey at the tender age of 9 years , when she noticed that there were few quality greetings in the city where she attended boarding school compared to her hometown Lagos. She then smartly decides to buy the cards and sell them at school at a decent profit margin . Many years later as an undergraduate, she realized that with graduation fast approaching she did not have the necessary skills required to make her an effective employee. She then proceeds to pound the pavement in search of an internship opportunity. Upon encountering resistance and confusion from potential employers, she realizes that several companies were unaware of the power of internships.  Her epiphany coupled with several long months spent developing her business plan, she launches her company while still in school. Today, her company has helped train and place over 300 students in several small and medium scale companies as short term interns. With several interns being retained on a full-time basis post engagement. Through Sesewa's efforts the problem of rising youth unemployment (90% of college grads are jobless 1year after graduation) is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Her goal is to reach the students while their still in school, train them on the necessary soft skills required to keep their jobs and help them locate the best matched internship positions that will enable the young careerists become better professionals in and outside the workplace.