ODESHI 014- How To Build A Co-Working Business in Nigeria with Modupe Macaulay

The Bulletproof Entrepreneur™ show

Summary: Modupe Macaulay is the founder of Capital Square, a pioneering co-working space in Lagos Nigeria. She serendipitously happened upon the co-working industry while reading about the life of a blogger during her studies at the Warwick School in the U.K. After returning to Nigeria, she started a branding agency with a friend but did not feel strongly about it. Meanwhile, she kept  to the co-working idea. She eventually decided to start the company but did not have the funds to make it happen. After spending some time to draft a business plan, profit analysis and feasibility study she pitched the idea to her dad and after much convincing her decided to invest in the business.  Using some creative marketing strategies she was came up with the pricing structure and pitched to potential clients. She then worked assiduously with contractors and artisans to create her vision. No small feat given the challenges of finding qualified artisans and contractors. Today, Capital Square is growing steadily and becoming a quiet force to reckon with in the industry.