Joe Pardo Wants To Let You Know that Sales Won't Save Your Business

The Bulletproof Entrepreneur™ show

Summary: Joe Pardo is the host of The Business Podcast and co-creator of the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference or MAPCON which debuted in 2015. Super Joe, as he’s currently referred to, is also the author of four books, a speaker, and has a knack for designing nifty t-shirts people want to wear. He was turned on to event planning from a young age watching his grandfather put on vendor events in the 80’s and he later started to put together his own LAN parties for video gamers. After attending a conference in Florida and speaking with Lou Mongello and Jared Easley of Podcast Movement, he got the idea of starting his own podcasting conference for the entire Mid-Atlantic region   He is the author of the new book Sales Won’t Save your Business.   www.superjoepardo.