How To Be A Great Salesperson By Monday Morning With Dave Cook

The Bulletproof Entrepreneur™ show

Summary: Award-Winning Author and Highly Sought-After Keynote Speaker, DAVE COOK is considered by many to be a leading authority on sales training, coaching, and sales motivation in the United States and around the world. He has 30+ years of experience at various levels in the corporate world and a proven track record of highly successful sales experience. At his current place of employment, Business and Legal Resources (BLR), Dave has been a top producer and sales trainer for the past 11 years. Dave has been a guest speaker at conferences in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Orlando, New Orleans, New Haven and much more. Dave's expertise in sales keeps him in demand as a sales trainer, and motivational speaker. He has a way of motivating those around him thus bringing people to a level of excellence they never knew possible. In his spare time, Dave enjoys writing,  traveling and playing the saxophone.