Valuing Indigenous Cultures and the Rainforest

The People's Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast show

Summary: <p>What are some concrete ways in which we can rethink the term "indigenous", to acknowledge the diversity and complexity of these cultures, rather than viewing them under a broad umbrella term? In what ways can we learn from indigenous peoples' deep connections to the natural world, applying their wisdom to create a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with our environment?</p> <p>In this thought-provoking episode, co-hosts Stuart 'The Wildman' Mabbutt and William Mankelow delve into the intricate and critical issues surrounding the integration of indigenous people of the rainforests into the mainstream economy. The inspiration for this discussion comes from a profound question sent in by Kadonkechi from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Kadonkechi:</p> <p>“In Brazil the government states it wants to integrate the indigenous people of the rain forests into the mainstream economy, lifting millions out of poverty. That seems to assume these cultures are poor, don’t you think? </p> <p>If we realised the potential of valuing the rain forest in new ways, it could also mean we all can become richer without destroying cultures. Billions of pounds worth of medicines, largely potentially undiscovered currently, can be surely found in the forests, why can't we explore and culture those, instead of clearing forests for short term cash crops or oil? </p> <p>The rain forest could house the cure of the next pandemic or even Cancer. There's so much to be learnt from indigenous peoples. Millions of indigenous people lived in South America, then the Europeans colonised the coast 500 years ago, and viruses like flu and measles spread that killed up to 90% of the indigenous people. </p> <p>Numbers are recovering but these people are at threat from deforestation and we need to learn from them before it's too late. I feel the next pandemic could come from Brazil if we keep encroaching on the forest as we are, allowing viruses to jump from wild animals to humans more easily. </p> <p>Covid is thought to have come from bats and Pangelins, or from living too close to rain forests etc, and Measles is thought to have originated from cattle, so we really need to think about the future, whether or not you feel Covid escaped from a laboratory”. </p> <p>During this episode Stuart and Wlliam tackle pressing questions such as whether we should put a monetary value on these ancient cultures, and what the real ambition of integrating indigenous cultures into ours is. Maybe we should really be thinking about how we should integrate ourselves into their culture too, it's a two way street after all..They question the pursuit of eternal growth in a society driven by profit margins, and discuss the importance of valuing aspects of life beyond the monetary system.</p> <p>Throughout the episode, they explore the potential for mutual learning and growth between cultures and ponder whether the term "indigenous" is an umbrella term that oversimplifies the vast diversity among these groups. So we ask you to think about whether it’s true that for us to learn from someone who is different from us culturally we have to accept them for being different in the first place. And if we don’t accept that, we don’t accept what they say.</p> <p>What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠<a href=""></a></p> <p>We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers.</p> <p>This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. <br><strong>Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends</strong><a href=""></a><strong> , support our work through Patreon</strong><a href=""> ⁠⁠</a><strong> or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link:</strong><a href=""> ⁠</a></p> --- Send in a voice message: