Is King Charles III Good For The Environment?

The People's Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast show

Summary: <p>Yet another question for co-hosts Stuart and William to explore today, sent in by regular listener Molly, from Oxford, England</p> <p>“Now King Charles 3rd has to talk, behave and guide from a non-political place, will all his good work dealing with the climate and ecological crisis be lost? Or were plans put in place for Charles’s work to continue once he became King? Maybe though you feel that although King Charles has to step away from some of the good causes he was involved with during his time as Prince Of Wales, he may now be able to provide a new space for people to come together and discuss the big issues, which could be how he makes the role as King his own, and differentiates his reign from his mothers?”  </p> <p>Stuart raises that King Charles, now he’s monarch, has to in theory, guide in a non-political way, which maybe he didn’t do before. He seems like a person who thinks about things on a pretty deep level. Stuart feels it's perhaps a shame for him to come to the throne so late in his life.</p> <p>There’s a concern for some people that all his work and influence dealing with the climate and ecological crisis could be lost? Stuart points out that though he’s stepping away from good causes, he’s 75 years old, so was most likely already stepping away anyway.</p> <p>Stuart feels that with Charles being king, he can potentially take these subjects to places maybe other monarchs haven’t? For example he recently spoke about the Windrush generation and had a celebration about that. You wouldn’t necessarily have seen this during Elizabeth’s time. Or would you?</p> <p>William points out the obvious aspect that he’s a very different monarch to his Mother because we know him better than we did Elizabeth. We’ve heard a lot more about what he’s thinking, so William asks how much will be diluted because Charles is now monarch? William mentions that it’s going to be a long time till we have a young monarch again.</p> <p>An action Stuart comes up with is that everything, whatever it is, should be bigger than just one person. It is a weak point if it isn’t.</p> <p>What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠<a href=""></a></p> <p>We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers.</p> <p>This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. </p> <p>Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends<a href=""> ⁠⁠</a> , support our work through Patreon<a href=""> ⁠⁠</a> or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link:<a href=""> ⁠</a></p> <p><br><br> </p> --- Send in a voice message: