The Planet Can Be Cooled

The People's Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast show

Summary: <p>A short bonus episode this one.</p> <p>Having listened to a previous episode, listener and collaborator Tommy Serafinski has been in touch. </p> <p>Tommy and William also collaborated on another podcast series too, Have You Ever Considered?</p> <p><a href="">Have You Ever Considered?</a> “Hey guys, I'm writing as a listener after listening to your recent episode ‘<a href="">Climate Contradictions</a>’. Indeed the planet can be cooled by dispersing into the atmosphere sulphur dioxide. Of course, there would be some slide effects (for example the sky would be red - seriously, like in the movies) but overall it's quite easy to do. The number of flights required to achieve noticeable cooling of the planet (1 degree, etc) is actually a tiny fraction of what any old commercial airline operates. So the danger is actually that it's too easy to do and some rich nations (Saudis anyone) could decide on their own for the rest of the world to cool down the planet. Apparently, calcium carbonate also could be used for that purpose but I didn't read any deeper analysis about that. You can read about this (and much much more) in this excellent book. <a href=""></a> If you'd like to buy it - of course use my affiliate link - see, ended up not being entirely disinterested! Cheers, Tommy”.</p> <p>Stuart raises as an action, that we should read the book which Tommy has recommended.</p> <p>William suggests that the idea of cooling the climate down, according to conspiracy theorists, is already happening, with the use of what they call chemtrails creating more cloud cover to reflect more of the Sun’s energy back into space.</p> <p>He raises how we’re in a time where feelings trump facts, and even that some people still wonder if we can really be impacting the climate negatively? Then goes on to talk about the effect of grounding all the flights in the US when 9/11 happened, when the average temperature went up by a degree.</p> <p>What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠<a href=""></a> </p> <p>We like to give you an ad free experience, so be assured, that will never happen. We also like our audience to be relatively small and engaged, we’re not after numbers.</p> <p>This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. <br>Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends<a href=""> ⁠⁠</a> , support our work through Patreon<a href=""> ⁠⁠</a>. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link:<a href=""> ⁠</a></p> --- Send in a voice message: