Greater Good Radio - Connect, Learn, Heal, and Grow show

Summary: Todd Cochrane had over 1.2 million podcast downloads last month. More impressive is that he only started his podcast 9 months ago. Todd is also the author of the first book on podcasting. <br> This is a chance to have top podcasters discuss and debate with a top radio veteran and consultant for Cox Radio. This show is a bit different from our normal social entrepreneurship theme but we felt it was important to do. The discussion was enlightening, funny and definitely worth our time. <br> Ryan’s listenership is primarily international. He had over 30,000 downloads last month on a show that concentrates on his personal life. Ryan is the founder of the <a href="http://www.hawaiipodcasting.com">Hawaii Association of Podcasting</a> and is leading the podcast movement in Hawaii.<br> Kimo adds a new twist in that he comes from decades of experience in terrestrial radio. He’s a veteran radio broadcaster, consultant, newspaper columnist and soon to be podcaster. Kimo has a wealth of knowledge on the past and current trends of radio.<br> Some questions asked:<br> In a nutshell, what is podcasting?<br> Why is podcasting important?<br> What is radio’s view on podcasting?<br> How do you think podcasting will affect or impact radio listeners?<br> Is podcasting the “radio killer”?<br> Where do you think podcasting will be in 5 years from now?<br> How can we make money with podcasting?<br> Tell us about the venture capital investment now in podcasting?<br> How much does it cost to podcast?<br> What is the international impact from podcasting?<br> BIO:<br> Todd Cochrane<br> The Author of Podcasting the Do it Your Self Gudide (www.amazon.com/podcasting), Todd Cochrane originally from Quincy Michigan but today he lives and works in Honolulu Hawaii. His professional background is in Aviation Electronics and has served for 21 years in the United States Navy. Married he and his wife Shoko, together they have 4 children. His ongoing professional and personal interest in new technologies keep’s abreast of the latest developments in the technology world. His interest in podcasting has it roots from nearly 15 years of participating in different online communities. Before the advent of the Internet as we know it today he enabled people share ideas and data by running a dial-up bulletin board, to this day has a hobby BBS still on the net. Many times these old school BBS systems were the only connection to home and family while deployed to remote locations around the globe. He developed a interest in and deployed a personal weblog in 2001. In 2002 he launched the popular technology news site Geek News Central (www.geeknewscentral.com) and has worked hard to build a significant readership. After learning about podcasting in late 2004 he quickly started his own show and now has one of the popular technology news-based podcast today. It compliments the Geek News Central Weblog. Todd’s understanding of the coming change to media distribution and consumption he launched Podcast Connect Inc. in 2005 (www.podcastconnect.com) and is steadily working to implement unique podcasting opportunities that keep the podcaster best interest at heart. He is also a founder of the fast growing Tech Podcast Network (www.techpodcasts.com).<br> <a href="http://www.geeknewscentral.com">Geek News Central www.geeknewscentral.com</a> contact for website geeknews@gmail.com and company info <a href="http://www.podcastconnect.com">Podcast Connect Inc. www.podcastconnect.com</a><br> Ryan Ozawa<br> Ryan Kawailani Ozawa has spent too much time publishing and playing online since 1994. Having posted both poignant and pointless thoughts on the Internet long before the tech trendsetters coined the guttural nounverb “blog,” he is a longtime advocate and fan of personal expression on the web.<br> In 1998, his love of online journals prompted him to establish Diarist.Net, one of the first resources devoted to escribitionism...