Greater Good Radio - Connect, Learn, Heal, and Grow show

Summary: Chatt Wright’s global vision grew Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) from 57 students to over 9,000 and an annual budget of $200,000 to $110 Million today. HPU has students from 112 countries and is the largest private University in Hawaii.<br> President Wright shared with us his secrets in marketing Hawaii Pacific University worldwide and building programs from business to ocean science. He talks about fund raising and building success on a global level.<br> Some questions asked:<br> Hi Chatt, you are the president of Hawaii Pacific University and also carry the title “Father of Hawaii Pacific University,” what an honor that must be…<br> You’ve now grown the University size to 9,000 how did you do that?<br> What attracted you to take the job at HPU?<br> What type of experience did you have to be offered the Dean position for the Business Administration program?<br> Is it true that HPU’s Masters of Business Administration program has the largest enrollment?<br> What was the most difficult challenge to getting started and running HPU?<br> What is your marketing strategy to get students to come to HPU?<br> How do you reach your marketing message globally? (112 countries represented in the University)<br> Is there one country that HPU has it’s eye on to have a student come from abroad that’s not represented yet?<br> What’s the most innovative marketing HPU has done?<br> HPU has a lot of Sweden students, is there an arrangement with the Sweden government?<br> How do you cross market between Japan and Sweden and other countries?<br> What is the social mission of HPU?<br> Tell us more about global citizenship.<br> What community organizations or non profits are you involved with?<br> Can you tell us more about your non profit service?<br> Any advice for today’s young business person?<br> How did you develop your business skills and entrepreneurial abilities?<br> What life experiences or early jobs in your life helped prepare you to be such a good salesman?<br> What’s the secret to fundraising?<br> Are the urban legends true about athletics being funded based on success to boost assisting with marketing?<br> How do you use the internet to help your business?<br> What’s your competitive advantage and how do you keep it?<br> You traveled to Africa with the Peace Corps after college, how did that experience change your life?<br> BIO:<br> Jastillana, Norise. “Going Global With Hawaii Pacific University.” MidWeek 10 08. 2005. 22 09. 2005 .<br> <a href="">Going Global With HPU<br> By Norise Jastillana</a><br> The Father of Hawaii Pacific University — that’s the unofficial title bestowed on President Chatt Wright over the course of his nearly 33 years with the institution he built, at least figuratively, from the ground floor up.<br> When he joined the university, then known simply as Hawaii Pacific, in 1972, it was housed on one floor — the third floor, actually — of the Davies Pacific Center. Now Hawaii Pacific University covers three campuses — downtown Honolulu, Windward Hawaii Loa and Oceanic Institute at Makapuu — as well as satellite facilities on six military bases. Enrollment has grown from a scant 57 to more than 9,000 students from 100 countries. The university, celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, now offers in excess of 50 undergraduate and graduate majors. The annual budget has jumped from a meager $200,000 in 1972 to $95 million today.<br> As the architect of this success, Wright has played a pivotal role that does, indeed, seem “familial” — more like a relationship than a routine career. And his long association with HPU appears more than mere chance.<br> “I have a little story,” he confides. “It’s like serendipity.”<br> He goes on to relate an amazing coincidence of dates: his Sept. 17, 1941 birthday, the Sept. 17, 1965 founding of Hawaii Pacific, his Sept. 17,