Greater Good Radio - Connect, Learn, Heal, and Grow show

Summary: David Heenan became a pilot, a corporate executive, and board member of a numerous organizations, but his real passion directs him to share insights in the modern corporate and global phenomena.<br> As an author, Heenan has written and co-written several non-fictions pertaining to specific aspects of corporatization and globalization with focus on the American paradigm.<br> <br> His latest material, Flight Capital, talks about the brain drain phenomenon, of foreign-born professionals leaving the United States to establish themselves in their motherland. <br> “According to my statistics and accounting the country is losing probably on a daily basis somewhere between 500 and a thousand,” Heenan said. “These are foreign born Americans. Many of them in leading-edge professions in science, technology and medicine, exactly the types of people you want to get your hook in to.”<br> In this interview, Heenan shares how his book can reverse the trend and help America get back on its feet and become an even greater player in the global economy.<br> He also talks about Double Lives, published in 2002, and how people become successful by challenging the “time-honored advocacy of total commitment to a single profession”.<br> Thought-provoking and insightful, this interview is a must for corporate individuals and businesspeople alike.<br> BIO:<br> DAVID A. HEENAN<br> David A. Heenan is a trustee of the Estate of James Campbell, one of the nation’s largest landowners with assets valued at over $2 billion. Formerly, he served as chairman and CEO of Theo. H. Davies &amp; Co., Ltd., the North American holding company for the Hong Kong-based Jardine Matheson. Earlier, he was the vice president for academic affairs at the University of Hawaii and, before that, dean of its business school.<br> Mr. Heenan holds the A.B. degree from the College of William and Mary, the M.B.A. from Columbia University and the Ph.D. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has served on the faculties of the Wharton School and the Columbia Graduate School of Business. He also serves on the boards of Bank of Hawaii, Maui Land &amp; Pineapple Company and several other organizations.<br> An active writer, Mr. Heenan’s articles have appeared in such diverse publications as the Harvard Business Review (seven times), the Sloan Management Review, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Christian Science Monitor. He is the author or co-author of Double Lives, Co-Leaders, The New Corporate Frontier, The Re-United States of America and Multinational Organization Development. His sixth book, Flight Capital, was recently released.<br> Links:<br> <a href="http://www.campbellestate.com">Campbell Estate</a><br> Listen on Youtube:<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>