156.) 2024 Announcements: 46 Outdoors Company, Great Range Athlete, & New Book

The 46 of 46 Podcast show

Summary: This week I officially announce all the projects I've been working on behind the scenes here at 46/46 Headquarters including the new website and expansion of the <a href="https://46outdoors.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>46 Outdoors Company</b></a>, to the creation of <a href="https://46outdoors.com/training/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>Great Range Athlete</b></a>, and most importantly, my new book, <a href="https://amzn.to/3w58bnC" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><i><b>Adirondack Campfire Stories: Tales and Folklore From Inside the Blue Line</b></i></a>, is now available for pre-order at Amazon, Barnes &amp; Noble, and IndieBound!<br><br><br>My NEW website: <b><a href="https://46outdoors.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">www.46OUTDOORS.com</a></b><br><b></b><br><br><br><b>Expansion of the 46 Outdoors Company:</b> I'm thrilled to announce the growth of the <b>46 Outdoors Company</b>. My commitment to enhancing your ADK outdoor experience has led me to develop new products and services that cater to the needs of Adirondack hikers and adventurers. Visit <a href="https://46outdoors.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">46outdoors.com</a> to explore our latest offerings and learn how we're supporting the outdoor community in new and innovative ways.<br><br><b>Introducing Great Range Athlete:</b> Achieving your peak performance in the mountains has never been easier, thanks to <b>Great Range Athlete</b>. This new venture offers specialized training programs designed to prepare you for the rigors of mountain hiking. Whether you're aiming to tackle your first summit or challenging yourself with more demanding peaks, Great Range Athlete provides the guidance and support you need to succeed.<br><br>Pick up a <a href="https://46outdoors.com/training/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>GREAT RANGE ATHLETE</b></a> training program <b><a href="https://46outdoors.com/training/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">here</a></b> to get you in mountain shape so your ADK hiking adventure can be an overwhelming success!<br><br><b>"Adirondack Campfire Stories" Book Pre-Order:</b> I'm also delighted to announce the pre-order launch of my new book, "Adirondack Campfire Stories: Tales and Folklore from Inside the Blue Line." This collection of tales and folklore brings the spirit of the Adirondacks to life, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the mystique and beauty of this cherished region. Secure your copy today on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or IndieBound (links below) and prepare to be captivated by the legends that have shaped the Adirondack's rich heritage.<br><br><br>Pre-Order my new book<br><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Adirondack-Campfire-Stories-Folklore-Inside/dp/1493076949/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GZLRXQL7CMBG&amp;keywords=adirondack+campfire+stories&amp;qid=1706878044&amp;sprefix=adirondack+camp%2Caps%2C1325&amp;sr=8-1" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><i><b>Adirondack Campfire Stories: Tales and Folklore From Inside the Blue Line</b></i></a><br><i><b></b></i><br><b>Pre-Order Links</b><br><a href="https://amzn.to/3w58bnC" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>Amazon Link</b></a><br><a href="https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/adirondack-campfire-stories-james-appleton/1143728400?ean=9781493076949" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>Barnes &amp; Nobles Link</b></a><br><a href="https://bookshop.org/p/books/adirondack-campfire-stories-tales-and-folklore-from-inside-the-blue-line-james-appleton/20599613?ean=9781493076949" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><b>IndieBound Link</b></a><br><br><br>Tune into this episode as I delve into the details of these exciting developments, share the inspiration behind each project, and discuss how they'll enhance your Adirondack adventures. 2024 is set to be a landmark year, and I can't wait to continue along this journey with you. Thank...