What's Your Purpose in 2016 01/10/2016

Gospel Life Church show

Summary: <p>1. We defined success this way: "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." What is success in life for you for 2016? What is the worthy ideal you are seeking to achieve or live out?<br><br>2. Without a purpose, we are like a ship out on the open water without a crew or a destination. What is your purpose in 2016? What are you seeking to achieve and where do your hopes lie?<br><br>3. Read Matthew 7:7-8: “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. <br>As we are seeking, knocking, and asking, we will also be experiencing from time to time adversity, failure, and defeat. Notice the NLT translation of Matthew 7:7 says we receive what we ask for. Is it possible that we give up our seeking for that which we should truly desire because of the defeat we may experience in the meantime? Please explain.<br><br>4. So what should we be seeking, and asking for in 2016? What do we what Jesus to do in our lives and the life of our church in 2016?<br><br>5. We talked about some negative and some positive behaviors that we need to either stop or begin and they are listed here. Please discuss which ones are most applicable to the members of your group so that we can pray and hold each other accountable in 2016.<br><br>LIST:<br>Being authentic<br>Maintaining a positive attitude no matter the circumstance<br>Paying attention to our tone of your voice. Cultivate your tone of voice which is an open window through which people look into your soul.<br>Paying attention to the expression on our face<br>Not losing our composure. People cannot make you angry without your consent.<br>Breaking in and running away with a conversation while others are speaking. Always making the conversation all about us, versus asking questions that focus attention on the other person.<br>Using sarcasm, and wise cracks<br>Indifference in listening while others are speaking<br>Better to be a good listener than a good talker<br>Flattery as manipulation<br>Finding fault with the world and people in general, complaining<br>Challenging those with whom you disagree for the purpose of being on the opposite side<br>Giving advice to those who have not requested it. Free advice is worth as much as it cost.<br>Speaking of things that interest those to whom you are speaking as a form of love.<br>Seeking to be superior through words and topics unfamiliar to others. Negotiate with them on their own level.<br>Envy of those you consider successful.<br>Carelessness in personal appearance <br>We need to control our tongue, think first then speak. Don’t injure others with our words.<br>Do not strike back at others.<br>Taking the path of least resistance makes all rivers and some men crooked.<br>Avoid controversial incidents, overlook. Don’t get into arguments about insignificant topics and this includes Facebook.<br>We must make it our practice to always see the good in others. Focus always on the good in others<br>Fix your mind positively at the beginning of each day through reading the Word and prayer.<br>Start each day with gratitude for what you have and what you will receive. "I complained about having no shoes until I saw the man with no feet."<br>Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Look for others who are worse off than you. Pity parties.<br>Meditate on what you can do towards your goals<br>Translate negative emotions into something positive<br>Remember that your strength grows out of your struggles<br>Look at life as a continual process of learning from pleasant and unpleasant experiences.<br>Realize your have been given complete control over your own mind.<br>Accept all criticism from others<br>Figure out who you want to be like and emulate them.<br>2 types of people who will never amount to anything, those who will not do what they are told and those who will do nothing else.<br>Part of natures method of disciplining people is through failure defeat and adversity, and it is your positive attitude that transforms these things into things of priceless value. No one desires to meet with these experiences.<br>Accepting full responsibility and never passing the buck.<br>Paying attention to detail.<br>Giving full attention to one thing at a time.<br>Mental attitude positive when in communication with other people<br>Giving direct answers.<br>Never puts off what he/she can do today. No procrastination.<br>Nothing can be called failure until we accept it as such.<br>6. Would anyone care to share what they wrote down on their card to focus on this year?<br><br>7. Would everyone really be willing to get together for dinner with the family, couple, or person Pastor Timothy would assign to them if you had a month to do so?</p>