How Do We Define Humility, Gentleness, Patience, and Love? 02/14/2016

Gospel Life Church show

Summary: <p>Humility, Gentleness, Patience, and Loving Forbearance moves us, like Jesus, to serve others. We cannot say we are any of these things until we are serving. Here we are look at Biblical and concrete definitions for the purpose of self-analysis.<br><br>1. We talked about the idea that self-perception can affect behavior. What is your tendency, to think of yourself as "just a sinner saved by grace" or as a saint reigning as a co-heir with Christ? Please explain.<br><br>2. Do you consider yourself active in the church? If so why are you, and if not what holds you back in your opinion? Please explain.<br><br>3. We mentioned four graces from Ephesians 4:2, what were they?<br><br>4. What is the goal in the church for these 4 graces? (Answer is in verse 3)<br><br>5. Who is the humblest person you ever met? What was it about them you perceived as humble?<br><br>6. How did we define humility based on Philippians 2:3–4? Answer: <br>The test is whether you invest in other people.<br>7. According to this definition, how humble are you?<br><br>8. Where would you like to improve?<br><br>9. Where do you struggle with humility?<br><br>10. Based on Philippians 2:8–9, James 4:10, and 1 Peter 5:5, have you seen God exalt you in your Christian life? If not, why? If so, how?<br><br>11. What would it look like for you to practice humility as we defined it through your church? Please be concrete and specific.<br><br>12. How did we define "gentleness" according to Matthew 11:28–30?<br>Answer: Gentleness is seeking relieve people of their heavy burdens.<br><br>13. According to Galatians 2:2–3, what is the reason we fail to help people bear their burdens? Is this hard for you to admit? Please explain.<br><br>14. Where do you struggle the most with being gentle? Please be specific.<br><br>15. According to 2 Timothy 2:24–25, what should our default behavior be when dealing with challenging situations or when being attacked?<br><br>16. Does being gentle mean we must allow ourselves to be manipulated and walked over?<br><br>17. Being humble and gentle doesn't mean we can't enforce our boundaries. Some have defined "boundaries" in the following ways:<br>Boundaries means I have the right to …<br>… my own needs and feelings and to have them be as important as anyone else’s<br><br>… experience my feelings and express them, if I want<br><br>… decide my priorities<br><br>… be independent<br><br>… decide how I spend my time<br><br>… choose how I spend my life<br><br>… change my mind<br><br>… make mistakes<br><br>… develop and express my talents<br><br>…choose who I spend time with<br><br>… be treated with dignity and respect<br><br>… be listened to respectfully<br><br>… say no<br><br>… ask for what I want<br><br>… have my boundaries respected.<br><br>How well do you do with boundaries and are you able to maintain humility and gentleness in doing so?<br><br>18. How did we define patience?<br>Answer: overlooking others faults<br><br>19. How well do you do overlooking others faults? Do you have a tendency to treat others differently without talking with them about it when you see their faults?<br><br>20. How will we acquire more of these 4 graces in our lives based on Ephesians 3:16–19?</p>