Are All Religions the Same? 05/07/2017

Gospel Life Church show

Summary: <p>Ezekiel 13:22 NLT And you have encouraged the wicked by promising them life, even though they continue in their sins.<br><br>We need to be able to speak the truth without compromise, while respecting others as persons.<br><br>When we speak of tolerance, there are really 3 categories of tolerance that are usually mixed together:<br>Tolerance of persons<br>Tolerance of ideas<br>Tolerance of behavior<br><br>If one rejects another's ideas or behavior, he's often accused of rejecting the person and being disrespectful. To say I'm intolerant of the person because I disagree with his ideas is confused. On this view of tolerance, no idea or behavior can be opposed, regardless of how graciously, without inviting the charge of intolerance.<br><br>“Do you mind if I ask you a question?”<br>“What do you mean by that?” <br>“How did you come to that conclusion?,”</p>