From burnout, unhappiness to thriving, attractive, how HHS’ CFO’s office turned the tide

Federal Drive with Tom Temin show

Summary: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. The executive saw her office’s dismal employee viewpoint scores and said, “We have to change our culture. Our workforce is too important.” Too often what comes next is a short-lived, ineffective effort because either the executive leaves, gets distracted, loses interest or the workforce doesn’t buy-in and the entire initiative to change the culture falls like a house of cards. But what if this wasn’t the “change the culture” version of the movie Groundhog Day? What if Bill Murray, or in this case the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Chief Financial Officer, actually didn’t rinse and repeat the day over and over again with the same dismal results? Luckily for HHS, Sheila Conley, the deputy CFO at HHS, looks nothing like Bill Murray, and broke the Groundhog Day cycle of failures. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit