IRS commissioner expects to see enforcement hiring to ‘ramp up’ in coming months

Federal Drive with Tom Temin show

Summary: The Internal Revenue Service is putting its multi-billion-dollar modernization fund to good use by restoring training for its employees and replacing one of its oldest legacy IT systems, according to the head of the agency. The IRS, tapping into nearly $60 billion in multi-year funds under the Inflation Reduction Act, is rebuilding its workforce and modernizing IT systems with a focus on improving service to taxpayers. IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel, in a keynote address at the Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management’s (AFERM) annual summit, said the IRS is seeing a promising return on investment with Inflation Reduction Act funds. “It gives you a cautiously optimistic sense that we are regaining our footing and rebuilding,” Werfel said. “But the risk now is around ramping up and standing up with these funds to make sure that we’re rebuilding capacities in a way that is smart for the long run, but also is meeting taxpayer needs in the short run.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit