Against All Odds - Week 2

Oak Pointe Church • Novi show

Summary: <p><strong>Whose Kingdom Come?</strong></p> <p>Teacher: Jon Morales, Lead Pastor of Oak Pointe Church</p> <p>Main Scripture: Acts 12:1-5</p> <p>From generations past, humans have crafted stories of good vs. evil.</p> <p>Whether Red Riding Hood encountering the Big Bad Wolf or Batman bringing The Joker to justice, our bookshelves and TVs tell the same age-old tale.</p> <p>This Sunday, we’re continuing our study in the book of Acts by uncovering the source of humanity’s preoccupation with good and evil. Join us for our newest message, “Whose Kingdom Come?” as we take a close look at the true battle raging between darkness and light.</p>