Against All Odds Week 4

Oak Pointe Church • Novi show

Summary: <p><strong>Pride Falls</strong></p> <p><strong>Teacher: Caleb Middleton - Middle School Pastor at Oak Pointe Church</strong></p> <p><em>Acts 12:20-24</em></p> <p>“Pride is like bad breath – everyone else around you knows when you have it.”</p> <p>As we read these famed words by C.S. Lewis, we can all think of someone who gives off the “stench” of pride – maybe a coworker, relative, or the chair of your HOA – but did you ever stop to ask what others smell on you?</p> <p>Join us for our upcoming message, “Pride Falls,” as we discover what happens when human pride collides with the Word of God.</p> <p><br></p>