How Dashboard Analytics Bolster Security and Risk Management Insights Across IT Supply Chains

BriefingsDirect Podcasts show

Summary: The next  BriefingsDirect security enhancement discussion examines how innovative managers are increasingly benefiting from interactive dashboard analytics. The resulting actionable knowledge elevates security situation awareness to the higher order value of overall business risk assessment and mitigation. Learn how Bruce Auto Group has gained such deep insights -- not only into how its distributed apps, systems, and data are secured, but also into the hidden risks that can develop across entire IT and data services supply chains. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or Download a copy.  Here to share his story on how to elevate IT security to a mission-critical value of comprehensive risk mitigation and overall business resiliency is Paul Jobson, Director of Marketing and IT Strategy at Bruce Auto Group in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. The discussion is moderated by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or Download a copy.  Sponsor: Bitdefender.