Animal Party Episode 171 Power Outage & Holiday Safety, Pet Etiquette, Cat Taming

Animal Party -  Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original ( show

Summary: If your power goes out and your home becomes too cold for your pets or too hot would you know? Would your fish survive? Churu a new cat treat made from real protein is Stacy’s go-to so Deb tells her how to adjust her treat reward process for two “ won’t be touched” cats. Is your dog polite enough for company? Lays out 3 ways you can entertain gracefully with a well behaved dog and explains how to use the best behaved pet as a leader for the others. Deb and Stacy chat about enrichment toys, Christmas Pet Etiquette and blue heelers. GoDog makes a silent squeaky toy both Stacy & Deb love.