Hello, He Lied

Bible Answers Live show

Summary: It's our responsibility in the end to believe or not believe God's word, because it's our choice. We can instead choose to believe the enemy, the greatest hoaxer of all; to give him our hearts and our affections, our time and our focus. He has a wondrous capacity to deceive us, but to believe him will cost us everything. 1.- How long will the devil’s rebellion last when he surrounds the new Jerusalem ? 2.- Why did God send Cain to the city of Nod ? 3.- Are we still obligated to keep the feast days ? 4.- Did Rahab sin when she saved the Israelites by lying ? 5.- Did God ever tell anyone to get a tattoo ? 6.- Why would the creator of the universe "dare not bring a reviling accusation" against Lucifer ? 7.- What is the abomination of desolation ? 8.- Why would Satan attempt to attack the beloved city of God, knowing he has already lost the battle ? 9.- Is it wrong for us to wear clothing with mixed fabrics ? 10.- Is it a sin to celebrate birthdays ? 11.- Is there a connection between the sandal reference in Ruth 4:7 and the sandal latchet in Mark 1:7 ? 12.- When will the “Restoration” mentioned in Acts 3:19-21 occur ? 13.- Can you please explain the unclean foods mentioned in Deuteronomy 14 and Mark 7:18, 19 ? 14.- Did the plagues of Egypt take place within a year, and is that the timeframe we can expect for the plagues in Revelation ? 15.- Will you please provide texts from the Bible that prove that God will one day destroy the wicked ? 16.- Why do some people “sleep” when they die, but others get the privilege of going to Heaven ? 17.- Is it wrong to keep the ashes of your loved ones in your home, instead of burying or scattering them somewhere ? 18.- Why was the serpent cursed when it was the devil who possessed it ? 19.- Did the war in Heaven take place shortly after Jesus' ascension, after His crucifixion ?