The Catholic Genocide

The People's Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast show

Summary: <p>This was a genocide.</p> <p>It took a lot of courage for the Pope to come out with the word genocide. It’s a powerful statement, but now we need progression. We need to build a pathway forward. </p> <p>Does the fact the Pope has come out mean that what happened can no longer be denied though?</p> <p>A way forward too is to keep talking about it, keep exploring the harsh truths, to be open about what happened. The problem won’t go away, it is part of all our histories. </p> <p>Bruce, who listens from Tampa, Florida, USA, certainly opens a can of worms with this question he’s sent in for discussion:</p> <p>“Have you explored on the podcast that the Pope has said the treatment of Indigenous First Nation children, by the Catholic Church, amounts to genocide?”</p> <p>In the last century, a lot of children were forcibly taken from indigenous first nation indian cultures in the US, and settled with white, English speaking families, or put in homes run by the Catholic church. Seemingly with the aim of diluting the influence and power of the first nation cultures. </p> <p>Many of the children's remains are now being discovered inside and outside these homes, so this can certainly be considered genocide.</p> <p>Genocide is a very powerful statement. There are good people in history though, and there are bad people. There’s some good history, there’s some bad history. It’s easy to have vitriol against something, and you can turn yourself inside out and into a rabid dog about such things, but does that anger truly solve the issues fully? Speak to the person in front of you, see them as a human being, and see where the conversation goes. No issue in history has ever failed to ultimately be resolved by people coming together and discussing the harsh truths. That's what's needed here, well that's what your co-hosts feel.</p> <p>Some of the most celebrated American celebrities are deeply rooted indigenous cultures, so let's keep talking and valuing those different to us.</p> <p>What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to ⁠⁠, or record us a message in your own voice by going to<a href=""> ⁠⁠</a></p> <p>This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. <br>Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends<a href=""> ⁠⁠</a> , support our work through Patreon<a href=""> ⁠⁠</a> or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link:<a href=""> ⁠</a></p> --- Send in a voice message: