Episode 14: Episode 014: DJ’s Choice Vol. #3. – Club Gods and Goddesses Remixed!

In the Key of Blue presented by DJ Ferbidden show

Summary: You are not ready for this banger. Seriously, if you don’t understand this mix, we can’t be friends! Okay, I am being a little dramatic. This mix defines the art of a “DJ Drop.”  A fast pace, slow burn with a great payoff toward the end. You may not like all the songs, but there is something in this mix for you, I promise. Some classics you would expect to hear with, what I believe, include exciting twists and turns, dropping you right into the next groove. Hang in there and you will be rewarded with a mix like no other. I can’t do this without you. Please, like, follow, and share! Let me know how I am doing and what you want to hear podcast@djferbidden.com.