The Vault: Pastor, I Have A Question....

The Wide Awake Radio Network show

Summary: Going behind the veil on GROSSLY mis interpretations of the bible your pastor ain't teaching....... Yes I said AIN'T.... Speaking on Religion, Magic, Rituals, Spirtuality,Astrology, Cosmology, Meta Physics, Occulth Worship, Numerology, An...cient Occult signs and symbols What was Jesus really doing for the 18 years the bible was mute on? Who is Jesus really? Does your pastor teach theology or fearology? What Is religion really, the root to evil, means to rely on God????? What will happen to the pagan and occult followers in 2012 who believe they are their own saviors and not Jesus? Your body is your temple, but specifially which organ is the holy land? Is the pope practicing Christianity or VOODOO???? Do You Already Know???? "Religion v. Science" Meet me inside the Vault with Host Warren Houston, Myself Co-Host Gebrina Coutee, The Infamous Santos Bonacci, Worlds Most Dynamic Astrologer interpreting the message of the stars in the Holy Bible, 'Kc Keeby Christianity Guru, Brotha Jabade Powell CEO of Ta Seti African Historical Society 50 years of study and teaching spirituality of the Congo.... INSIDE THE VAULT !!!!!!