Google Adwords tips and tricks for 2013/14. AKA the advertising money tree episode!

Small Business Big Marketing show

Summary: " ... it really is a little magic money machine sitting on your desk."<br> <br> That's how today's guest, Mike Rhodes, founder of WebSavvy, describes Google Adwords.<br> <br> Now they are very big words - but Mike honestly believes that Adwords is about as close to an advertising money tree as we're ever going to get.<br> <br> Thankfully, Mike backs this claim with the facts and know-how. And he shares both in this fireside chat.<br> <br> PLUS I tackle a question from a listener who is wanting to start a business naming business. <br> <br> And I have a whinge about a couple of big brands that have let me down recently through their social media activity - well, make that lack of social media activity.<br> <br> Enjoy!