209 – How to get more stuff done. AKA productivity tips for your business. Go!

Small Business Big Marketing show

Summary: "I love the marketing ideas you've shared, Timbo, but of the 250 people in this room, how many do you think will action them?"<br> <br> I got asked this great question at the end of a keynote I gave recently. You'll need to listen in to hear my answer, but what I can tell you (and you probably already know) is this... there is no shortage of marketing ideas in this world, but the magic is in the implementation of them.<br> <br> And that's where many (most?) business owners fall down. They hear a great idea, take a note of it, and then for whatever reason (there are many) they forget or don't get around to taking action. They get sucked back in to the busy-ness of business.<br> <br> Sound familiar? Cool. Well you're not alone. So listen up!