Evil Attack on Families

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: There’s a not so quiet war against traditional families. A family with a mom who is a woman, a dad is a man and children who obey their parents is the order of the traditional family. There’s an open effort to destroy that. Some people are convinced this is good! Which should point out just how evil this effort is. Amazing that in today’s world not even the children are safe. On this podcast we’ll discuss how this recent change is affecting families and what you can do to protect your children. Website: www.christopherscottshow.com Show Notes: https://www.christopherscottshow.com/show-notes Subscribe: https://www.christopherscottshow.com/subscribe LEAVE A MESSAGE AND MAYBE I’LL MENTION IT ON THE SHOW! https://www.christopherscottshow.com/contact