Hypnosis and Parenting the Natural Partnership

I Make Winners show

Summary: Our special guest is Lisa R. Machenberg who has been in private practice in Tarzana and West Los Angeles, California since 1993. Lisa says When I tell people that I am a Hypnotherapist who teaches Parenting Classes, the first question people ask is, "Can you show me how to hypnotize my kids to do their homework, clean their rooms, and go to bed?" The answer to this question and those like it is an overwhelming "yes!" I also show parents how to use self-hypnosis to be calm in any parenting situation so they can be the mom or dad they have always wanted to be. So what are the secrets of hypnotizing your own kids? Well, you already know a few of them. Another word for hypnosis is suggestibility. Your children are already naturally suggestible to you. From the earliest months, children imitate their parents facial expressions and mirror their moods. Every parent knows that if you look a five month old baby in the eye and smile, that baby will automatically smile back. It is called the "Smile Reflex" because it is virtually universal. The same basic principle applies to older children, as well. If you want a toddler to wear a hat at the park, have mom and dad wear a hat, and the youngster will demand one, too! This idea gets more complex, (and challenging) as kids get older. For example, lets say your goal is to help your child to limit "impulse buying" at the store. Well, the next time you go to buy a gift for someone else, don't buy something for yourself on impulse, at least not while your with the kids! Other ideas for hypnotizing your children (having them be more suggestible to you) are easy and very effective. First, stop. Put your hand on the child's shoulder, look directly in his/her eyes and give directions as statements, not questions. For example, you can say, "John, it is now time for you to take out the garbage, please." This is more effective than, "Can you take out the garbage now?" Want to increase the chances that John will do it the first time yo