The Benefits Of Aging

Think It Be It show

Summary: In this episode John and Kelly talk about the benefits of aging. As Kelly is about to turn 50 in a couple months, she has spent a lot of time thinking about aging. And she really likes the wisdom that comes from aging. The increase confidence. Caring less what other people think. Then John discusses the fact that aging gives you perspective. He says that the older you get, the more you realize that most things don’t matter. Only a few things matter. John shared the observation in his own life that he sees cases of where he is evolving. He mentioned that when he was in his early 50s and met his wife Ginger, she commented on the fact that every once while he would throw F bombs around. John didn’t like that part of himself because that’s now how he was raised. Wasn’t very classy. So he immediately fixed it because it didn’t serve him. He also a few years later observed that sometimes he would get mad out loud. Oftentimes it was around technology. But he realized that what you say out loud is 10 times more powerful than what you think. He was only feeding the anger by venting out loud. So he stopped it. The lesson is that as you get older, you see ways to improve yourself and often times you do. John also mentioned that as he gets older, he gets more and more grateful. He also said that one of the latest things he’s begun doing is each evening after getting on the treadmill, he takes about 30 minutes and just writes down what he’s observing in life. He says it’s powerful when you can articulate what your observing rather than just thinking what you’re observing.