How to resolve all your sales problems

The KAJ Masterclass LIVE show

Summary: <p>In this video learn how to resolve all your sales problems with Kevin Snow. </p> <p>By following Kevin's proven strategies and techniques, you can learn how to effectively tackle any sales challenge and achieve your business goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the industry. About the Guest: Kevin Snow is a seasoned entrepreneur, currently serving as the CEO and Founder of Time on Target, as well as the COO of Success Champions and Co-Founder of Success Champion Networking. With his extensive experience, Kevin is widely recognized as a leading expert in business development and leveraging sales technology to drive business growth. Connect here: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVhucXhnYXJiclpfckZMdjltbVBERkNITE9RUXxBQ3Jtc0tuMU00aXNVNDYzYS10NHFIc2UyVHVqNFd3aW1pUmdVZnpNNGVnWm5XaDg0dFl0TlpXNlFBZU9XS2dzbXVpS2lfR1lfTUN0NjNwQW9TYXVsa2Y0MW9XYWExNW1wRHYwZE5JY1NfaDB6VmhBZHh2Q0hxcw&amp;;v=Em9mKeWToXc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWZYSFUzSC1kYk5EOGNXazJUaUtaMHRkX3RZUXxBQ3Jtc0tsSlB6Qk1DTWQtZDJyMy0tblhyaTZDNjVxckVyLW1FLTVzRDhOUU9kTlpTeXg5UDBnNWNoTUtTbGw1Z1p6X1AyaGtGbDQzVHdCS3c0NUNYRTFMNk5UNUYyU1ZiSFJvS3VoM2Y4bGVuWWF1Q01MM2Y4Yw&amp;;v=Em9mKeWToXc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> Key Takeaways: The video features Kevin Snow, a digital sales tech expert, who talks about how to resolve all your sales problems. He suggests that instead of focusing on closing the sale, you should aim for closure, which means treating sales as a conversation with an outcome. The conversation should have closure, either in the form of a yes or a no, and there should always be next steps in place. Kevin emphasizes that disqualifying potential clients is a good thing and it is better to find reasons why you shouldn't work with them and get them out of your funnel as soon as possible. The conversation should keep moving forward, and the closure should be either to get them to say yes or to get them out of your pipeline altogether. Kevin advises small business owners, who do not have the wherewithal to generate leads, to come at every conversation as a sales call and try to figure out their next steps with that person. They should focus on their passion and drive to sell their product. About the Host: Khudania Ajay is a media coach, podcast host, and independent journalist. In his 20-plus years in the media, he has worked with renowned organizations such as CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India (PTI). Now, he is dedicated to helping his audience succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. More here: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGNqa3ZhNGN4T2x1S2k3Q1k1akJwenhiRENQUXxBQ3Jtc0trS3RldFhtdGt2Zk1ZR0VwenZRbllzd2ZZM3BsZDQ2U0tyakVabFdTRFhnaXdFNGxwQkdBNjdFRVd3NUc4ZjR3MWZOOVNyeGNLbmtLMTE5eE12Nm5KQk9HbTg3MGlCNnRQX3pocnNiOUk0LWl3ZlpOSQ&amp;;v=Em9mKeWToXc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> Connect here: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHo1S0FaRlE1R0ZRQ3NXZnZabXZFYmpEalVWd3xBQ3Jtc0ttcFJjMmRrR0k4b2ZpRW1mZk10S0tlYlM0cGZYeUJZNEw5WVlORzRsZnV6cWV4emxGc3Y1Q2V3a2JzMldqMEZjenZGcTltRVd2QVVVUF9GaW5NaUJ2OWpVd2h2aFhhZldtdFdVVnRHRGNSSGR2WFp1Yw&amp;;v=Em9mKeWToXc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> About The KAJ Masterclass LIVE: On this LIVE global podcast show, senior journalist Khudania Ajay brings global Masters of Money and Business to his audience so they can profit from their insights, information, and learning almost daily. Watch here: <a href=""></a> Listen here: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqa29nTTd0X256LXN6VUxNVzN4MjNheXlIaW5Id3xBQ3Jtc0tsRWQ5MnBpTXc3b01mUHJwXzAwMTdYa3dNZzlMc1MyUU53NkVDOFpCck5OVWF5MWpIN1lEamlTX0VzeHRHR05MVnB1ZUJaQkI2bmlQMXIxbGE4ZGxlMGZleW80OWdVZ3ZPYnAyc2ZmelMtM3ZjSm9GSQ&amp;;v=Em9mKeWToXc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> Apply to be a guest on the show: </p> --- Send in a voice message: