How to Build Personal Wealth Through Real Estate Investment

The KAJ Masterclass LIVE show

Summary: <p>Real estate investment can be a great way to build personal wealth, but it can also be intimidating to those who are new to the game. In this episode, we learn about Building Personal Wealth Through Real Estate Investment with Ed Parcaut an experienced professional in the US mortgage industry, with over 25 years of experience as the founder and CEO of Lending for Living. ABOUT THE GUEST Ed Parcaut is an experienced professional in the US mortgage industry, with over 25 years of experience as the founder and CEO of Lending for Living. He has a passion for helping clients navigate the complex process of purchasing a home with ease and understanding. Ed's best-selling book, "Financial Freedom: Building Personal Wealth Through Homeownership," provides practical advice and insights on how to create personal wealth through real estate investment. Connect here: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjJRN1pNRkNuQXZRMUZXNUxGLWF0MTJPT05yUXxBQ3Jtc0tueG96V0tOTnBncWVuZllBQXBBT21SUENULTM1Z2JRSnk4bWduSVJZZzNrbXJ6NEJ0YXFVMmhQWHZmVHR6WFo2Ti1OVmw2N1NSX1kxcFViOGdqeEhVNVRqeDdfc3UyQ0JsVkFjWEJqRUJVM2tzbTBsNA&amp;;v=uoboHoowOlc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEh5X3YwcUlwVGhrYXF6enU5Tlp0Zlg0UC1QQXxBQ3Jtc0tuNHFoSG53WDB1dHduR2oyblBTMEZwMHZZSUNWREx1WnVJcWswbUdVVnJJU19xZk1YSlZibDFrckY1MnFLNU5qekRNRzhVNlNmZVFyVC05djk5XzIzRktZWVBLTFcwYi1zRkM4WEszLVE3THh6SVhIbw&amp;;v=uoboHoowOlc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> KEY TAKEAWAYS Real estate market in certain states in the United States, like California, are back to having multiple offers and bidding over asking prices. This is different from what people may think, as there were concerns of another bubble and a crash similar to 2008. In 2008, there were 3.5 million properties on the market, and builders were still constructing more. Currently, the inventory is only 46% of what it was last year, and there is no inventory available, which is driving up prices. Low-interest rates in 2020 and 2021 led to refinancing 10 trillion dollars of loans into very low rates, resulting in people deciding not to move as it would cost more to move to another property. This has led to a shortage of houses, and the demand is not being met. Buying a home in the US is easy, and there are government programs that allow people to put as little as 3-3.5% down instead of the standard 20% down payment. Due to a shortage of houses and a large demand, buying a home right now will not result in making a mistake, and the value of the property will continue to go up over time as there is a need to build 17 million houses over the next decade to meet the demand. ABOUT THE HOST Khudania Ajay is a media coach, podcast host, and independent journalist. In his 20-plus years in the media, he has worked with renowned organizations such as CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India (PTI). Now, he is dedicated to helping his audience succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. Connect here: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0pkMVMxdEJTUkxnXzJ1cVAtTDlNOGJicFU0d3xBQ3Jtc0trZFUxNlotNi0yY0hEdGp4WEZaX0huR0JSa3h5Q3NhUnE2ZV9xb25nYjRhZEl6cnRVZHBBNEtUVWlBdnAtaG1yZjVwV0x6cDZoczQ0MFE2UDVfRkRITkpyQmtuTUVXeE9OdU1ic0UwZlpObWdYbmRNRQ&amp;;v=uoboHoowOlc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> Want Khudania Ajay to Speak at your event or host it? Write here: ABOUT THE KAJ MASTERCLASS LIVE On this LIVE global podcast show, senior journalist Khudania Ajay brings global Masters of Money and Business to his audience so they can profit from their insights, information, and learning almost daily. The KAJ Masterclass LIVE podcast is about helping you, especially small business owners, entrepreneurs and students learn from people who have built their own brands. 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