The Wedding Banquet

Little Seeds of Faith show

Summary: <p>In this episode Joanie considers Jesus' parable about a king who hosts a wedding banquet. As she reads through the account in Matthew 22:1-14 she reflects on the actions of the guests who decline the invitation, the mistreatment of the king's servants, and the king's response. Next Joanie considers the spiritual lesson Jesus is offering the people. She celebrates that God's offer of salvation is a gift available to all who respond in faith! Joanie concludes with a prayer that we all will be eager to say "Yes, I will come" to our King and Saviour.</p> <p>Enjoy a spirited rendition of this favorite Sunday school song beginning at minute 10:36</p> <p>Matthew 22:9 "Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find."</p>