Belief and Business: Conversation with a Faith-Driven Entrepreneur | Steve John | BELLWETHERS S03 EP 3 |

Bellwethers Podcast show

Summary: <p>Steve John is back on the Bellwethers Podcast and this time he is coming with a word for the creative community. Steve helps us understand and re-focus what the church should be, a haven for the broken and the needy and how the creative community can work with the church to make sure that we are becoming Jesus to the needy and the world. Social Links : Steve John <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHhfeHRoSDhJU2dzUzZ5Nnc2ZkpXbk5tQ2RmZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuMGh6NmRYd2NXczF4M0RsbE43cDRVSXA2b2VBaVFYN0oxSU8wUm9LdDBCZzB5bjk4elJHT0xuQk1iZHlZbnRCMFlocnR5RGpxTk1hb2d1bnB5TWVDMTk1aVRVUEVfTnlWVm5BU1Y2Wkw1dGloLUU5bw&amp;;v=3yWWRHNnmuc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUF3UU9wR1I3MFA3Zi12UTBxUVpTQkJwcmxKUXxBQ3Jtc0tsSXhuQVVKSVhDcndtd3dRM3A4dmx1bVJpR1dVWE9CWUFkZk9vVUJ1NGNtc3VaUFl0ZUZxTkZGR2JIY0Y4NTZjTjZQaEhsZGRjNnlfVE5KYURVWV9pazNYSkNoVmwwSFJzbFVjQ3I0OEZaVkFxdWpMZw&amp;;v=3yWWRHNnmuc" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> Reach out to Steve for your marketing services at or visit Follow us on IG and Facebook</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>