*Special Episode* Hot New Releases!

The Best of Women's Fiction show

Summary: <p>A new type of special episode where we feature the latest releases from our past guests. In this episode we introduce you to new fiction from Leanne Treese, Laura Drake, and K.T. Blakemore. </p> <p>Laura’s Drake’s newest novel, AMAZING GRACIE is poignant women’s fiction, a story of family in all its incarnations. FUN LESSONS, the new release from Leanne Treese is a romantic comedy with a serious twist. The new Wild-Willed Women of the West series by K.T. Blakemore is women's fiction full of adventure (think historical fiction with a dash of humor). The first novel in the series is called THE GOOD TIME GIRLS.</p> <p>Find the recommended books, the author's social media links, and the video version of this episode at <a href="https://www.bestofwomensfiction.com/">⁠www.BestofWomensFiction.com⁠</a></p> <p>All books featured on the podcast are listed in The Best of Women's Fiction List at <a href="https://bookshop.org/lists/the-best-of-women-s-fiction">⁠www.bookshop.org⁠</a> and <a href="https://amzn.to/3vygc0p">⁠amazon.com⁠</a></p> <p>Lainey's author website: <a href="https://www.laineycameron.com/">⁠www.LaineyCameron.com</a></p>