Columbian Consumer Conundrum

The People's Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast show

Summary: <p>Are we being brainwashed into thinking we can make a difference? We believe we can make an impact, but it requires changes in our daily lives. For example, buying from local producers can reduce carbon emissions, but should we also assist growers in countries like Colombia to transition to different products and markets?</p> <p>Welcome to the People’s Countryside Environmental Debate Podcast, where we aim to challenge beliefs, mindsets, and habits. In this episode Stuart and William chew over, and discuss the following question from Shaun in Richmond, Virginia, USA.</p> <p>“Hello from America. I was recommended your podcast and enjoying it. Many of the UK issues you discuss are relevant here as well. I like the way you mix things up and have unpredictable subjects discussed, but I also really like your guest episodes even though there are only a couple of dozen or so. In a couple of episodes you recommend purchasing Colombian products, to encourage producers there to grow and supply products that doesn't require more deforestation, and maybe even encourages the expansion of the rainforests? Isn’t importing Colombian products polluting in itself though, as there are a lot more transport related pollution involved in that than getting our supplies from local producers?”</p> <p>Your co-hosts go on to discuss the carbon legacy since the industrial revolution, the discomforts we often feel when confronting this can come from our own insecurities. and they question whether we can expect the biggest polluting companies to change if we don't change ourselves, as individuals?</p> <p>During this episode Stuart and William discuss the upcoming Environmental Debate Live &amp; Unscripted event, this podcasts format expanded and made more experiential, then set in front of a live audience, and arranged to take place next on May 27th at the former Bothy Vineyard in Oxfordshire. To secure your tickets for this event, use the following link: <a href=""></a></p> <p>This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. </p> <p>What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to <a href=""></a>, or record us a message in your own voice by going to <a href=""></a></p> <p>Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: <a href=""></a><br>Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends <a href=""></a> , support our work through Patreon <a href=""></a> or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts.</p> --- Send in a voice message: