Kristina R. Gaddy - "Well of Souls - Uncovering the Banjo's Hidden History"

Jack Dappa Blues Heritage Preservation Radio  show

Summary: <p>In this episode, I will speak with Kristina R. Gaddy about her journey and New York Times best-selling book, Well of Souls - Uncovering The Banjo's Hidden History. Kristina R. Gaddy is an award-winning writer who believes in the power of narrative nonfiction to bring stories from the past to life in order to inform the world we live in today. Her debut nonfiction book Flowers in the Gutter (Dutton 2020), tells the true story of the teenage Edelweiss Pirates who fought the Nazis. Through narratives based on memoirs, oral history interviews, and Nazi documents, she immerses the reader in the world of these teenagers as they resist the Third Reich. Her book Wells of Souls: Uncovering the Banjo's Hidden History (W.W. Norton 2022) is an extraordinary story unfolding across two hundred years, where she uncovers the banjo’s key role in Black spirituality, ritual, and rebellion. For More: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXRuWlFHUjFGaXhkOERnSkNOOWZmbHNmSFhrUXxBQ3Jtc0ttWUFNaTRySG9TLTFrTnJWMlhtM0d5Qm9IRkt0Ny1BNWVjQS13MzluZzVMdHR2MWJ6X1JMRHlLM2RxMUtrWFk4bWNieml5N1BRQ20zcjBwaWFTNDk5bmlMV0kyaGJpZTh1SGtreXpzODF3QlJDYm94dw&amp;;v=7wMyuGrocTQ" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> --- Send in a voice message: