Ontario Morning Podcast - Wednesday September 12, 2012

Ontario Morning from CBC Radio show

Summary: Rosemary McCarney from Plan Canada had the latest from Burkina Faso and the food crisis in West Africa. Some hunters have concerns over licences being processed in the U-S. Shannon Gutoskie of the Federation of Anglers and Hunters in Peterborough told us more. Dr. Jacalyn Duffin at Queen's University talked about plans by major insurers to pay only for generic drugs. The culture of barefoot running has attracted the interest of Carly Warnock at the University of Ottawa. We talked to senior minister Kathleen Wynn and Ken Coran of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation about the province legislating a contract for teachers. Petroleum analyst Roger McKnight told us why gas prices jumped overnight. We talked to farmer Peter Tippin in Renfrew County about paying back aid money he didn't know he owed from time of the 'mad cow' scare.