Great Gildersleeves – War Bond Drive. 430912

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Spending a few family moments at the breakfast table, Gildersleeves, Marjorie, and LeRoy talk about the day's events. Water Commissioner Gildersleeves reads an article in the paper accusing the water department at dropping the ball on delivering clean water. Springing into action after returning from his vacation, he discovers his secretary is just as absent minded as ever. The meeting with the mayor changes the topic from water to support of the war bond drive. The town leaders try to organized and make this an all out drive. One characteristic of Throckmorton P. Gildersleeves is that his feelings get hurt easily, and takes criticism as a personal insult. He agrees to get behind the bond drive, but refuses to take part of a committee with the newspaper editor who printed the article that has offended him. Taking a new direction, Gildy recieves a letter from LeRoy's school principle, Miss Goodwin. He visits her with the theme of discussing the bond drive. Of course, the flirtatious Gildy tries to put the moves on her, but is interupted by LeRoy. Nexxt, he visits his friend Peavey to sell bonds, but LeRoy has beat him to the punch. At the rally Gildersleeves shows up and the newspaper man is gracious enough to apologize for his article. Then rather than adding to the blustery speeches, he recounts a heartfelt testimonial about a famly who doesn't have much, but is supporting the war effort not only by investing 25% of their income, but has a son overseas. A very patriotic and touching ending.