Vail Festival Forum Bonus Content: Merce Cunningham Centennial

Conversations on Dance show

Summary: Merce Cunningham is one of the greatest and most influential choreographers of the 20th century. In honor of the Merce Cunningham centennial, we were pleased to host Melissa Toogood, a dancer of his works and Abi Sebaly, a Cunningham scholar.  We discuss Merce’s work methods, collaborations with artists like John Cage and Robert Rauschenberg, broad influence in the avant-garde in dance and beyond, and his “Scenario,” excerpts of which were performed at the Vail Dance Festival on August 3, 2018.  (Note: This episode was recorded on August 3rd.)<br> Photo: “Scenario (an excerpt)”, International Evenings of Dance I, Vail Dance Festival, Friday, August 3, 2018, Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater. Credit Photo: Erin Baiano<br>