(171) Jodie Gates, Director of USC’s Glorya Kaufman School of Dance (part two)

Conversations on Dance show

Summary: <br> Over the past few weeks we have been examining different college dance programs including Indiana University and St. Mary’s College’s LEAP Program. This week we are concluding our higher education series on Conversations on Dance, with an in depth look at the University of Southern California’s Glorya Kaufman School of Dance. We are joined, for a second time, by the program’s vice dean and director, Jodie Gates.<br> <br> <br> <br> We first spoke with Jodie in episode 137, where we talk with her about her distinguished career dancing with Joffrey Ballet, Frankfurt Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet, and guesting with companies around the world. Today we have the opportunity to hear more about her work at USC Kaufman, her role in helping to found the program in 2012, what students can expect from the program, and where their graduates are now.<br> <br> <br> <br> For more information on <a href="https://kaufman.usc.edu/">USC’s Glorya Kaufman School of Dance</a> visit kaufman.usc.edu. <br> <br> <br> <br> This episode is brought to you by Yumiko (yumiko.com) and The Veyette Virtual Ballet School (veyettevirtualballetschool.com).<br>