Trump Arrest & Indictment: Operation Nonsense & The Art of Distraction - Jay Dyer

Jay'sAnalysis show

Summary: Today we cover what will be a never ending circus we will hear about endlessly for weeks, perhaps even years - the indictment of a president - for his past indiscretions with floosies. Although this is a spicy news story, it really means nothing and functions as a huge political weapon and distraction. As the masses meltdown over these kinds of ridiculous stories, the techno agenda always marches forward. Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be speaking here! tix below I’ll be speaking at this online salon event on Tavistock and culture creation April 16! Tix here;ref=JayDyer The New Philosophy Course is here:<br><br>Become a supporter of this podcast: <a href=";utm_medium=rss&amp;utm_campaign=rss"></a>.