The Case For Climate Hope: Joëlle Gergis, HUMANITY’S MOMENT

Writer's Voice with Francesca Rheannon show

Summary: I’ve been thinking about climate change lately in really simple terms: that it’s really about the people and the places we love. It isn’t actually any more complex than that. So, yes, we talk a lot about parts per million and all these degrees of warming and all these complex things. And they are indeed metrics that scientists use to talk about climate change. But if you just strip it all the way back, it is really about protecting those places that we love and the beautiful planet that we live on as well. — Joëlle Gergis<br> We spend the hour with IPCC climate scientist <a href="">Joëlle Gergis</a>, talking about her powerful and moving book, <a href="">Humanity’s Moment: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope</a>.<br> It’s about how she grapples with the grief her scientific findings confront her with — but also the hope she feels as she witnesses how the tide is turning toward climate protection.<br> Writers Voice— in depth conversation with writers of all genres, on the air since 2004.<br> Like us on Facebook at Writers Voice with Francesca Rheannon, on Instagram @WritersVoicePodcast or find us on Twitter @WritersVoice.<br> Love Writer’s Voice? Please rate us on your podcast app. It really helps to get the word out about our show.<br> Key terms: climate change, IPCC, Joëlle Gergis, climate science, podcast<br> <br> Climate Impacts Happening Much Faster Than Predicted<br> When climate scientist Joëlle Gergis set to work on the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change <a href="">(IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report</a>, the research she encountered kept her up at night. Through countless hours spent with the world’s top scientists to piece together the latest global assessment of climate change, she realized that the impacts were occurring faster than anyone had predicted.<br> In Humanity’s Moment, Gergis takes us through the science with unflinching honesty, explaining what it means for our future, while sharing her personal reflections on bearing witness to the heartbreak of the climate emergency unfolding in real time.<br>  <br> Political Will To Act Means Feeling Our Connection To The Planet<br> Gergis shows us that the solutions we need to live sustainably already exist—we just need the political will to create a better world. Humanity’s Moment is a climate scientist’s guide to rekindling hope, and a call to action to restore our relationship with ourselves, each other, and our planet.<br> About the Author<br> Joëlle Gergis is a climate scientist and writer at the Australian National University. She was a lead author on the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report and is also an advisor to the Climate Council, Australia’s leading independent body providing expert advice to the public on climate change and policy. In addition to Humanity’s Moment, she is the author of Sunburnt Country: The Future and History of Climate Change in Australia.<br> <a href="">Read An Excerpt</a><br>