NLO 1460: Rodney Wayne’s World


Summary: <br> Can we just step outside the circle of Aaron Imholte, his flabby little moobs, his sad young wife, and his insane impression of a 2006 radio show for a few minutes? We have a local comedian here in Las Vegas who needs his diaper changed real quick. Rodney Wayne is a tough-talking beta boi who gets real shy when confronted by actual professional comedians about his completely garbage comedy. This guys needs to quit and go spend time with his family – it’s not going to work out for this full-grown chode of a man. Chad Zumock likes to talk and we should clear that up real quick. Donkey Lips aka Michael Ray Bower is doing a lot of thinking on the toilet and the thoughts are super basic. Check out tonight’s aftershow for even more insanity and gossip, as well as a check in with one of our favorite dummies.<br>