Advent: Waiting Well Week 3: I Hate to Wait

Sunday Homily show

Summary: <p>I Hate to wait; how about you? Think about the times in your life you waited for something: for a job offer, a child to be born, someone close to you to return to the faith, etc. What did you do while you waited? Or if it is something you are currently waiting for, what are you doing while you wait? Name a time you grew or learned something about yourself while waiting. Last week we said that you need to determine what you want God to help you with to make this a more meaningful Christmas. How do you want God’s help to transform you into the person you want to be?</p> <p>Waiting well involves doing what you need to do now. Letting the catcher catch you. Christian waiting is not passive –it is active. It engages life right here, right now. God, let me do right now what I ought to do. Waiting is not passive. Waiting is living, doing the next right thing.</p>