winning edge talks show

Summary: <h2><strong>Climbing the Mount Everest is said to be mountainous and not many have achieved this onerous task except a few. You may be surprised to know three blind men have scaled the Mount Everest. Climbing such altitudes is said to involve huge physical effort. In fact it's more mental than physical. Even in our daily lives we may have to surmount many peaks and mountains within us : these are nothing but the challenges we face, the doubts, fears and negativity we overcome. But we tend to be weighed down by the magnitude of the challenge and give up. The able bodied people can draw inspiration from blind mountaineers and adventurists on how to succeed despite all the setbacks, mishaps, adversities they face. </strong></h2><p><strong>Background music is taken from YOU TUBE AUDIO LIBRARY </strong></p><p><strong>TRACK- AZTEC EMPIRE </strong></p><p><strong>ARTIST- JIMENA CONTRERAS </strong></p><p><strong>Applause sound effect by SFX </strong></p>