Sailor Brinkley-Cook - Launches new lifestyle brand, Sacred + Divine

I Am Refocused Radio show

Summary: Sailor Brinkley-Cook, daughter of legendary supermodel, Christie Brinkley, is a model, photographer, mental health advocate &amp; body image activist. Sailor is ambassador and the creative director for a new lifestyle brand, Sacred + Divine, creating products that bring sacred rituals through the art of self-care into our everyday lives. <br><br>Each product at Sacred + Divine is crafted with intention and purpose. Divine intentions flow into the wax of the candles and are released, along with heavenly scents, with the light of the wick. Sacred, alchemical processes occur with the creation of our angel number jewelry, which is made by hand in Los Angeles with 14k recycled gold and responsibly sourced diamonds. Sacred + Divine Candles are made from food grade wax with a soy coconut blend. Through traditional extraction methods, like distillation, expression, and extraction, we obtain essential oils, isolates, absolutes and resins from plants and flowers that we then blend into our fragrances at high concentrations to bring you a sacred aromatherapeutic experience. Angel numbers work in accordance with numerology, which upholds the notion that each number is connected to a certain vibrational energy or frequency that holds meaning beyond its numeric value, making the spiritual tangible.<br><br>In numerology, angel numbers are a repetitive sequence of digits that manifest to convey a divine message inviting you to elevate your energy with Sacred + Divine. Seeing a repeating number is as though your angels are pointing to you to deliver an important message and trying to get your attention and the numbers they send have meanings interpretable manifestations of the Sacred and Divine.<br><br>Sailor is best known for advocating for people struggling with mental health, body dysmorphia and eating disorders.<br><br>PEOPLE MAGAZINE STORY ON SAILOR BRINKLEY-COOK FROM 11/28/22<br><br>Sailor Brinkley-Cook Often Raids Mom Christie Brinkley's Closet: 'I Love Everything She Has'<br><br>"It's always those loopholes with moms, where you're like, 'You can't really be that angry. I'm your child,'" she says of borrowing her mom's clothes and not returning them'<br><br>Like mother, like daughter.<br><br>Sailor Brinkley-Cook loves to take a peek at what's inside her model mom's closet when she needs something new to wear. The 24-year-old tells PEOPLE that as she grows up, she's realizing more and more that her style is right in line with how her mom, supermodel Christie Brinkley, 68, dresses. In fact, some of the pieces she's swiped from her mom's closet are her most prized possessions.<br><br>"Both of us are pretty classic," she says. "We love a white t-shirt. We love a good pair of jeans. We love a trenchcoat, good sweater, a good pair of white sneakers, black boots."<br><br>Brinkley-Cook admits that before she found her current classic style, she tried to have an "edgy" vibe before realizing it just wasn't her. "What was I trying to do? I'm not edgy," she tells PEOPLE with a laugh. Instead, she finds comfort in classic pieces, like jeans and hoodies, but isn't shy about grabbing something new from her mom's wardrobe.<br><br>"Sometimes I'll ask to borrow something, and I'll be like, 'Oh my God, this is so cute,' and she'll tell me, 'Okay, but you have to give it back.' And then she forgets!" Brinkley-Cook says. She admits that she's held onto a few pieces due to that exact situation, and when she wears them again, her mom remembers where it came from.<br><br>"She'll remind me it's hers, and I just tell her she never asked for it back!" Brinkley-Cook tells PEOPLE. "It's always those loopholes with moms, where you're like, 'You can't really be that angry. I'm your child.'"<br><br>But some of the clothes Brinkley-Cook has gotten from her mom were actually gifted to her, because the Sacred + Divine creative director admits that she doesn't shop a lot, as it's not something she has the budget for.