Lauren Nicole - Health and Mindset Coach, Master your mind to master your body

I Am Refocused Radio show

Summary: About Lauren Nicole<br><br><br><br><br>In 2011, I had overcome an eating disorder, entrenched myself into learning about nutrition and fitness and graduated with a masters degree in Mental Health Counseling. For 10 years, I worked as a mental health clinician during the day and during the night I rented a space in a gym to train, coach and guide women who wanted to transform their bodies. I became a bodybuilder in 2014 which taught me so much about myself, pushed me to limits both mentally and physically I never knew possible. In 2019 several clients would say to me, "Lauren, thank you for showing and helping me understand this isn't just about the foods or about the exercises but about all the thoughts and feelings around these things."<br><br>Covid had hit my family very hard. I had a baby out of wedlock during a time when the world felt upside down and inside out. Moving from NY to FL I believed in myself, my knowledge and my capability to transform women's lives so much I left the corporate world and started my online coaching business. <br><br>I truly love and live to help others, hear their stories, understand their inner monologue and how they "tick" and utilize all of this to guide them to the greatest version of themselves raising self esteem, confidence which trickles to all aspects in a woman's life.<br><br><br><br><br><br>