Marnye Moore - Envision Results

I Am Refocused Radio show

Summary: When you feel stuck, you need to grow. Making changes that may lead to failure or judgement can be hard but if you don't change, you will remain anchored to where you are - nothing forward. No promotion, no new adventure. Mundane and uninspired. <br><br>Envision Results, is a mindset and personal success group that pushes people to more. By being around like-minded people who support and encourage, we grow and take new chances. By being held accountable and seeking outside input we are inspired to do new things and pursue old dreams. By mastering the steps of mastering our mind and our actions, anything becomes possible. Success is a process that we all need to re-learn because we are all responsible for ourselves and our legacy. <br><br>No matter what your past, your future is dependent on what you do today. People often wait for their “golden opportunity” or until it’s “their turn” to be successful. However, those opportunities aren’t handed out. They are created by individuals who are passionate about and determined to improve the quality of their life and reach their goals. these opportunities are for the people who ask for them and are willing to risk for them. Most people spend more time planning a vacation - two weeks of their life - rather than planning their life to be the dream.<br><br>Most of us already know what to do to succeed; we just don’t take the actions to follow through. The fear of failure and judgement and expense and time all stand in the way. These are only our minds.<br><br>I want to help with that - believing in goals that seem impossible; believing in oneself to create unshakeable self confidence; and recognizing what stands in the way is easily moved. <br><br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>